Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Engine Type/Number
MZR 2.0, MZR 2.5
MZR 2.3 DISI Turbo
Uniform Tire Quality Grading System
This information relates to the tire grading system developed by the U.S.
National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration for grading tires by tread wear, traction, and
Tread Wear
The tread wear grade is a comparative rating based on the wear rate of the
tire when t ...
Gate operator/Canadian
Canadian radio-frequency laws require
transmitter signals to “time-out” (or quit)
after several seconds of transmission
— which may not be long enough for
HomeLink to pick up the signal during
programming. Similar to this Canadian
law, some U.S. gate operators are designed
to “time-out” in th ...
Recliner Motor Inspection
1. Remove the battery cover..
2. Disconnect the negative battery cable and wait 1 min or more..
3. Disconnect the recliner motor connector.
4. Apply battery positive voltage to the recliner motor terminals and inspect
the recliner motor operation.
If not as specified, replace the ...