1. Clamp a rear shock absorber on a flat surface or with the piston pointing downwards.
2. Drill a 2—3 mm {0.08—0.11 in}
hole at a point 40—50 mm {1.6—1.9 in}
from the bottom of the tube, so that the gas can escape.
Whenever drilling into a rear shock absorber, wear protective eye wear. The gas in the rear shock absorber is pressurized, and could spray metal chips into the eyes and face when drilling.
3. Turn the hole downwards.
4. The oil can be collected by moving the piston rod several times up and down and cutting the tube at the end.
5. Dispose of waste oil according to the waste disposal law.
ABS HU/CM Inspection
1. Disconnect the ABS HU/CM connector..
2. Connect the negative battery cable..
3. Attach the tester lead to the ABS HU/CM wiring harness-side connector and
inspect the voltage, continuity, or resistance according to the standard (reference
value) in the table below.
Standard (reference)
Condenser Inspection
1. Inspect the condenser for cracks, damage, and oil leakage.
If there is any malfunction, replace the condenser.
2. Visually inspect the fins for clogging of foreign material.
If any fins are clogged, remove the foreign material.
3. Visually inspect for bent fins.
Restraints SST [Two Step Deployment Control System]
49 H066 002
Deployment tool
49 D066 002
Adapter harness
49 L066 002
Adapter harness
49 G066 003
Adapter harness
49 N088 0A0
Fuel and Therm ...