1. Inspect the heater core for damage, cracks, and water leakage.
If there is any malfunction, replace the heater core.
2. Visually inspect the fins for bending.
If there is any bending, use the end of a flathead screwdriver to straighten the fins.
3. Visually inspect the heater hose for deformation.
Repair with pliers if there is deformation. If there is any malfunction, replace the heater core.
Column Cover Removal/Installation
1. Pull down the steering wheel.
2. Pull the upper column cover in the direction of the arrow in the order of
(1) and (2), then remove the upper column cover while detaching the hooks and pins.
3. Pull up the steering wheel.
4. Remove the ignition key illumination..
5. Remove the scre ...
Adjuster Anchor Removal/Installation
The side air bag sensor is attached to the lower part of the B-pillar. When
working around the B-pillar, disconnect the negative battery cable or work carefully,
avoiding excessive impact to the lower part of the B-pillar.
1. Remove the following parts:
a. Front sc ...
Front Door Key Cylinder Switch Inspection
1. To access the glass installation bolt, position the front door glass so that
the distance from the top of the front door glass to the upper part of the front
beltline molding is approx. 80 mm {3.1 in}.
2. Disconnect the negative battery cable..
3. Remove the following parts:
a. Inne ...