Mazda 3 manuals

Mazda 3 Service Manual: Trunk Lid Removal/Installation

Mazda 3 Service Manual / Body / Doors/Lids & Hood/Trunk / Trunk Lid Removal/Installation


1. Disconnect the negative battery cable..

2. Remove the following parts:

a. Rear scuff plate.

b. Tire house trim.

c. Trunk mat.

d. Trunk board.

e. Trunk end trim.

f. Trunk side trim (LH).

3. Disconnect the trunk lid wiring harness connector, then take the trunk lid wiring harness out from the vehicle.

4. Pry off the trunk lid stay damper band using a flathead screwdriver.

5. Pry out the connecting parts of the trunk lid stay damper out of the hinge with a flathead screwdriver, then remove the trunk lid stay damper.

6. Remove the nuts, then remove the trunk lid.

7. Remove the bolts, then remove the trunk lid hinge.

8. Install in the reverse order of removal.

9. Adjust the trunk lid..

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1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.. 2. Remove the trunk lid trim.. 3. Remove the trunk lid latch and release actuator.. 4. Press the latch in using a flathead screwdriver to inspect the l ...

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NOTE: The gas in the trunk lid stay damper is colorless, odorless, and non-toxic. 1. Wear protective eye wear. 2. Lay the trunk lid stay damper flat. 3. Hacksaw 2—3 mm {0.08—0.11 ...

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