Scheduled Maintenance (U.S.A., Canada, and Puerto Rico)
Follow Schedule 1 if the vehicle is operated mainly where none of the
following conditions
(severe driving conditions)apply.
Repeated short-distance driving
Driving in dusty conditions
Driving with extended use of brakes
Driving in areas where salt or other corrosive materials are used
DSC HU/CM Inspection
1. Disconnect the DSC HU/CM connector..
2. Connect the negative battery cable..
3. Attach the tester lead to the DSC HU/CM wiring harness-side connector and
inspect voltage, continuity, or resistance according to the standard (reference)
on the table.
Standard (Reference)
Base Removal
1. Remove the rearview mirror..
2. Wind each end of a wire around a bar.
Using the piano wire with bare hands can cause injury. Always wear gloves
when using the piano wire.
Use a long sawing action to spread the work over the whole length of the
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