1. On level ground, jack up the vehicle and support it evenly on safety stands.
2. Remove the aerodynamic under cover No.2..
3. Drain the oil from the transaxle..
4. Remove the front splash shield..
5. Separate the drive shaft and joint shaft from the transaxle..
6. Remove the oil seals using a screwdriver.
7. Using the SSTs
and a hammer, tap each new oil seal in evenly until the SST
contacts the transaxle case.
8. Coat the lip of each oil seal with transaxle oil.
9. Insert the drive shaft and joint shaft to the transaxle..
10. Install the front splash shield..
11. Add the specified amount and type of oil..
12. Install the aerodynamic under cover No.2..
Operating Tips for WMA
WMA is short for Windows Media Audio
and is the audio compression format used
by Microsoft.
Audio data can be created and stored at a
higher compression ratio than MP3.
This unit plays files with the extension
(.wma) as WMA files.
Microsoft and Windows Media are
registered trademarks of ...
Cooling System Service Warnings [Mzr 2.0, Mzr 2.5]
Never remove the cooling system cap or loosen the radiator drain plug while
the engine is running, or when the engine and radiator are hot. Scalding engine
coolant and steam may shoot out and cause serious injury. It may also damage
the engine and cooling system.
Tu ...
Timing Chain Removal/Installation [Mzr 2.0, Mzr 2.5]
1. Remove the battery cover..
2. Disconnect the negative battery cable..
3. Remove the plug hole plate..
4. Disconnect the wiring harness.
5. Remove the ignition coils..
6. Remove the spark plugs..
7. Remove the ventilation hose.
8. Remove the coolant reserve tank with the hose still c ...