1. On level ground, jack up the vehicle and support it evenly on safety stands.
2. Remove the aerodynamic under cover No.2..
3. Drain the oil from the transaxle..
4. Remove the front splash shield..
5. Separate the drive shaft and joint shaft from the transaxle..
6. Remove the oil seals using a screwdriver.
7. Using the SSTs
and a hammer, tap each new oil seal in evenly until the SST
contacts the transaxle case.
8. Coat the lip of each oil seal with transaxle oil.
9. Insert the drive shaft and joint shaft to the transaxle..
10. Install the front splash shield..
11. Add the specified amount and type of oil..
12. Install the aerodynamic under cover No.2..
Lighting System Personalization Features Setting Procedure
Auto Light System
1. Connect the M-MDS (IDS) to the DLC-2.
2. After the vehicle is identified, select the following items from the initial
screen of the IDS.
Select the “Module Programming”
Select the “Programmable Parameters”.
Select menu in the Exterior Lighting.
Message Indicated on Display*
If a message is displayed in the center display (type B audio), take
appropriate action (in a
calm manner) according to the displayed message.
Stop Vehicle in Safe Place Immediately
If the following messages are displayed in the center display (type B audio),
a vehicle
system may be malf ...
Battery Inspection [Mzr 2.3 Disi Turbo]
Since battery acid is toxic, be careful when handling the battery.
Since battery acid is highly corrosive, be careful not to allow it to contact
clothing or the vehicle.
In case battery acid contacts skin, eyes, or clothing, flush it immediately
with running wa ...