The BSM indicator light is integrated with the outer mirror glass.
1. Remove the outer mirror glass..
Rear Lateral Link Removal/Installation
1. Remove in the order indicated in the table.
2. Install in the reverse order of removal.
3. Inspect the wheel alignment and adjust it if necessary..
Rear stabilizer control link upper nut
Rear lateral link
(See Rear Lateral Link ...
Brakes SST
49 D043 0A0
Adapter set
49 U043 0A0A
Oil pressure gauge set
49 0221 600C
Disc brake expand tool
49 B033 001
49 G033 102
Engine Disassembly/Assembly [Mzr 2.0, Mzr 2.5]
1. Remove the engine from the transaxle..
2. Remove the generator..
3. Remove the exhaust system..
4. Remove the EGR valve..
5. Remove the intake-air system..
6. Remove the fuel injectors..
7. Remove the ignition coils..
8. Remove the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor..
9. Disassemble ...