Engine Coolant Replacement [Mzr 2.0, Mzr 2.5]
Never remove the cooling system cap or loosen the radiator drain plug while
the engine is running, or when the engine and radiator are hot. Scalding engine
coolant and steam may shoot out and cause serious injury. It may also damage
the engine and cooling system.
Tu ...
Precaution [ABS]
1. Any one or a combination of the ABS warning and brake system warning lights
illuminates even when the system is normal.
Warning lights that may illuminate and/or flash
Cases in which the light may illuminate
Conditions in which the light will go ou ...
Dashboard Precautions
Prevent caustic solutions such as perfume
and cosmetic oils from contacting the
dashboard. They will damage and discolor
the dashboard. If these solutions get on the
dashboard, wipe them off immediately.
Do not use glazing agents.
Glazing agents contain ingredients
which ...